Write in style

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The revised, enhanced, and broadened version of Pen It With Panache guides authors on how to craft engaging and persuasive writing. Authors who utilize the techniques in this book discover their unique voice, a voice that is in high demand among modern publishers and readers.

In the initial version of Pen It With Panache, Bobbie Christmas identified common and overused words and phrases she encountered in numerous books she had edited. Her methods helped authors find their unique voice and writing style. Both teachers and authors referred to the original edition of Pen It With Panache as the ideal guidebook for writers.

The second edition delves deeper than its predecessor, highlighting weak and overused expressions that authors can identify, eliminate, or modify in their fiction and non-fiction works. The original version of Write In Style garnered multiple accolades, guiding thousands of writers towards publishing their work. This extended edition takes it a notch higher than the initial version.

For over four decades, Bobbie Christmas has been a widely sought-after writer, editor, and speaker. She has devoted her expertise and passion to this book, aiming to enhance the creative writing skills of authors.

Boost your non-fiction books, novels, short stories, essays, proposals, reports, advertising content, sermons, and even letters with the straightforward steps outlined in Write In Style.

The following awards were won by the first edition:

  • Top Award: Recipient of the Royal Palm Literary Prize in the sphere of Adult Education
  • Awarded: Superior in Division — Recognized as Georgia Author of the Year
  • Shortlisted: Featured among Best Books 2005 — USABookNews.com

Accolades for Write In Style, 2nd Edition:

  • First Position in the How-To Division of the Florida Book Festival, January 2016
  • IPPY Bronze in the Writing and Publishing Segment of the Independent Publishers Awards, April 2016
  • Contender (among top five) in the Writing/Publishing Division of the 2016 Next Generation Indie Book Awards, April 2016
  • Shortlisted (among top five) in the How-To Division of the Eric Hoffer Book Awards