What casinos don’t want you to know

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The only advantage you’ll ever have is within your reach! You’ll discover: six hidden strategies for success, five typical blunders, four most susceptible games, and three characteristics of pro players. Plus, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive betting plan to increase your winnings!

This powerful guide, brimming with practical advice that readers can leverage to their advantage, reveals secret strategies for outsmarting the casino.

These are the very same tactics and insider information that casinos would rather keep hidden from players. John Gollehon uncovers the six key elements to winning, the five most frequent blunders committed by gamblers, the four games where the casino is most susceptible, and the three characteristics that distinguish professional players from the typical losing gambler. 

This is a curated compilation of wise counsel that ordinary gamblers, the ones casinos rely on for their profits, need to transform their gameplay—it’s the missing cache of advice for winning.
