Three feet under

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“Middle age — it’s a term of four characters…only if your spelling skills are poor. However, it can be incredibly amusing if you view it from the right angle…or if you spend most of it asleep.” — from the Diary of a Midlife Crisis. On the first day of the year, Christee Gabour Atwood, an author in her forties, a humorist, and a devotee of animals, made a resolution to make daily entries in her diary. She stayed true to her word, diligently documenting her descent into something fearsome, something forbidden: Midlife.

Overcoming the embarrassment of being addressed as “Ma’am” by a robust college student, courageously managing conversations with shocked matrons about her and her spouse’s indifference towards having children (“I’m allergic,” she informs one appalled dinner companion), and tolerating the initial emergence of wrinkles, Atwood humorously shares all the reasons to experience a midlife crisis and why to appreciate every second of a fulfilling life.

Humorous, sharp-witted, and brutally honest, Journal of a Midlife Crisis surpasses Dr. Laura in cleverness, outshines Dr. Phil in amusement, and exceeds Bridget Jones in authenticity.

Utilizing a workbook designed by Christee Atwood offers you the advantage of her extensive background as a public speaker, mentor, and advisor in knowledge management. As a certified trainer for Franklin Covey, who has collaborated with Fortune 500 corporations, significant associations, and government bodies, Atwood equips you with the necessary knowledge and resources to conduct high-quality workshops within your own institution.

She accomplishes this through a reader-friendly, conversational tone fused with a generous dose of humor. Atwood even instructs a course titled “But UnSeriously Folks!”—a program focused on the strategic application of humor within professional settings—and has penned a comical autobiography, Three Feet Under: Journal of a Midlife Crisis. Furthermore, she has authored three ASTD Press publications: Knowledge Management Basics, Succession Planning Basics, and Presentation Skills Training.
