The dice doctor

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This hidden gem, penned in straightforward verbiage by a craps enthusiast for other craps enthusiasts – not theorists or mathematicians – encompasses some of the most beneficial craps tips ever published. You’ll grasp professional tactics and sensible financial management strategies, refined from six decades of table experience, from the most accomplished craps player in history.

You will acquire potent methods such as identifying Qualified Shooters, Converted Come Bets, securing victories, detecting authentic winning streaks, managing and safeguarding your bankroll, and how to earn 5 to 9.99 times more on a successful roll than a less skilled bettor starting with identical bets! Grafstein also unveils all the professional maneuvers made at craps – his fundamental moves – 21 triumphant strategies that cover both aspects of the dice! The updated version of this Super System of craps incorporates 30 professional charts and tables.

The covers are sharp-edged and vividly hued; pages are pristine white, neat and sharp. “Sam Grafstein won’t teach you the odds. He asserts that there are numerous excellent books that elucidate all the mathematics of the game of Craps. Understanding the price on 6 or 8, the Hardways, etc., won’t transform the most diligent researcher into a victorious player.

Being victorious requires more than just understanding statistics. He strategically uses a financial management technique, which he developed years ago, to maximize the benefits of unique circumstances, whether the stakes are high or low.

Dive into it, scrutinize it, and find pleasure in it – transform yourself into one of Sam’s formidable players.”
