‘Tis the Season to be Looney…..

Fa La La La La, La La La La

Let’s face it, there’s a dizzying array of Monty Python merchandise out there. While that’s normally a good thing as it’s impossible to have too much silliness in your life, it can make it a real hassle to shop for the Dead Parrots and Cheese Shop owners on your list. Who can tell which box set is the one to get? Who knows which book is the one most likely to make your special someones nipples explode with delight? Who can point you towards a CD that will get your loved ones walking around the Christmas tree in a particularly silly manner? I know! Or at least I can guess. With that in mind I’ve created the official MontyPython.net holiday shopping guide. I’ve seen most of the DVDs, read most of the books and listened to most of the CDs, so I have an idea of which ones are the best, which should be avoided and which offer the most bang for your Python-Bucks. And I’ve narrowed it down so that you don’t have to because you have enough to keep you busy what with your argument lessons and learning the newest fish slapping dance for the office Christmas Party. So check out the Shopping Guide for my tips to make your holidays happy. Or at least less stressful.

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