Basic endgame strategy: kings, pawns, & minor pieces

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Acquire the knowledge of mating tactics and combinations necessary to defeat your adversaries. This includes understanding the 4 basic checkmates involving the king and queen, rook, two bishops, and bishop/knight combinations, as well as king/pawn, king/knight and king/bishop endgames. You’ll gain an understanding of how to utilise minor advantages to deliver decisive checkmates. Learn about the 50-move rule, and the piece combinations that are unable to force a checkmate against a solitary king.

This endgame strategy guide provides both novice and seasoned players with the fundamental checkmating principles and combinations required to overcome opponents and secure the win. The four basic checkmates are detailed, along with strategies to transform minor advantages into game-winning outcomes.

Discover the vital strategies required to triumph in the endgame from Bill Robertie, a chess master, former US chess speed champion, and the author of 12 books, several of which are best-selling chess titles.

Our expert guidance, presented in easy-to-understand diagrams and explanations, will teach you how to maneuver winning positions into checkmates during the endgame, and even how to transform drawn or defeated positions into victories!

You’ll gain knowledge on how to secure victory in endgames involving Kings, pawns, Bishops, and Knights, understand the combinations needed for checkmate and how to execute them, and learn the crucial strategies for promoting pawns into queens and subsequently checkmating your opponents.

Featuring the vital combinations required for defeating opponents, strategic planning for promoting your pawns to queens, 94 diagrams illustrating endgame scenarios and checkmates. It covers battles between bishops, knights, bishops of contrasting colors, kings, pawns and minor pieces, as well as fundamental king and pawn mates. This is a beginner’s guide to standard chess notation titled “The Journey to Chess Mastery”.

Bill Robertie, who has authored 15 books on chess and backgammon, is renowned as the world’s top backgammon player and is the only person to have won the Monte Carlo World Championship twice. He was previously the editor and co-publisher of Inside Backgammon, the leading magazine for backgammon enthusiasts. Moreover, Robertie is a chess master, the winner of the U.S. Speed Chess Championship, and the best-selling author of some of the most acclaimed introductory chess books ever published.
