639 essential endgame positions

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For those who play chess, understanding how to effectively conclude a game and either force or shield against a checkmate is crucial for emerging victorious. The endgame stage often dictates the result of the majority of chess matches, and within the pages of this book, players will be introduced to 365 different endgame scenarios.

This book covers everything from simple checkmate strategies to complex double-rook endgames. It delves into key combinations of king and pawn endgames, bishops, knights, rooks, and queens, as well as intricate endgames involving no pawns. Unlike books that only provide diagrams, the rationale behind each position is explained in detail here, enabling learners to discern which positions lead to victory, which result in a draw, and which are beyond salvation. Diagrams are included to illustrate both the initial and target positions, aiding players in visualizing their objectives and guiding the middlegame towards a triumphant end.
